Monday, August 12, 2013Good news! Another successful weekend without spending a dime..... or any other form of currency. We had another relaxing weekend, we spent Friday at home, doing ab-so-lute-ly nothing. I don't even remember if we ate anything. We were so exhausted from our busy (but still enjoyable) week that we really did not want to care about anything but sitting on the couch until we fell asleep. Which I did. At 10:00 pm.
Saturday we slept in, and then visited some family. And in the evening we got to babysit the cutest child on earth: my nephew Jamie. So my sister and her husband were able to go out and have a date night to themselves (with free babysitting! :))
Sunday would also fit in to the category of not good blog material. We went to church, came home, and hung out with some friends. Which was so fun for us, and it kept us from spending money, but unimportant to you. Sometimes I look at my blog stats and am surprised to see a consistent number. I'm really just doing these posts for the sake of building some consistency in myself. So for you dedicated (or even random, unknown readers) thank you!
That's it. That was our weekend. Uneventful, yet successful.
This week we will be spending our evenings at CityView for our VBS Sports Camp! Super cute and fun. And free :) So that is a plus. I've been looking at some good crockpot recipes to try out this week since we'll be pressed for time before being up at the church. If I find anything good, I'll
be sure to share it here!
Come back soon! It's sure to get exciting eventually!