DAYS 2, 3, & 4
Sunday, August 04, 2013Okay. You guys have to forgive me... already. Blogging every day is a big responsibility! I promise that I DO have a daily blogging plan for each day this month, but things have been slightly hectic this weekend, simply because that is the nature of our lives. I hope you all could relate to that. The good news is, it is the end of day four, and we have not spent ONE PENNY!!! (Quite literally, considering we accidentally forgot to pay rent on Saturday...oops.) This week were are house sitting for some very gracious hosts, and in the midst of packing and going back and forth between our apartment and their place, we pretty much forgot what day is was. So that may result in a teeny late fee, but nonetheless we are still on track for our goal of $1,400!
I am happy to report that Scott and I are experiencing minimal withdrawal from our fast food life style. We made great strides this weekend! Friday night I was hoping for us to have our first free date night, but instead I became completely immersed in a baking frenzy. And all from scratch!
Pre-heat oven to 350º, spread olive oil and alfredo on spread out pizza dough, top with mozzarella and italian seasoning & garlic poweder to taste. Bake for 15 minutes or until cheese is melted and bubbly.
My other project Friday night was for our friend David's birthday party we were attending the next day, so Scott and I got crafty and put together a pretty impressive gift together for not spending any money on it!