'm sorry it's been so long since my last post. Last week was much busier than anticipated, as always... But I have some good news! The focus has been sold! We took it to Carmax last Wednesday and they gave us a great offer. We were able to pay what we owed on the car, and also came out with a nice piece of change too. We made about $1,100 after everything was paid off. We were sad to see Furonda Focus go, but to be honest we haven't really noticed a difference yet. So all in all, a good move! Now we will be saving about $300 per month without having to pay on a second car. In other words, the weekend was good. We got to just relax for once. We had no plans! So we took a trip to Dallas and walked around the Galleria for a while. Let me tell you. Never go to a mall when you have money, and cannot spend it. Pretzels have never smelt better, and you forget how much you actually love Starbucks. I did get to indulge a little bit, because I found a H&M gift card I got for my birthday last year. It had $15 on it so I got myself a comfy slouch tee for $9 and some gold bobby pins for $2.50. Not much, but both needed. Okay, just the bobby pins were needed, but the tee shirt is nice.
Meals are getting interesting... I don't have any pics of the meals we've been eating, and they probably shouldn't be documented anyway. They mainly consist of peanut butter and jelly, grilled cheeses, and lots of breakfast for dinner. We're down to having cheese. And that's about it. I think I might try making some calzone dough one day this week for pesto cheese calzones, and maybe a pizza later on? Other possibilities include homemade tortillas for cheese enchiladas. Luckily, we only have four days left so it won't be too bad. Oh yeah, and FOUR DAYS. FOUR. DAYS.
I don't know why, this month hasn't really been that unbearable at all. But I am so ready for it to be over by now. Not so I can blow all of our money, but so I can buy chicken, and stop saying no to people. Does it sound like I'm back sliding? If so, please slap me now. This month has been so incredibly helpful, and we have been able to really see how much we have versus how much we need. So I guess at this point I feel like a kid who has gotten in to trouble and I just want to say, "I've learned my lesson... I promise!" And just give up now. Guess I'm just in need for some encouragement to really finish this month out strong. I start out ventures with great determination, but rarely do I finish my endeavors. (Hint the abandoned activity calendar...)
I know we're close. We're so close. Just four more days. Just gotta keep saying that to myself...
This week should go by pretty quickly though. Why? Because just like every other week we're busy! Monday is done with, tonight Scott has a Bible study and I have homework, tomorrow I have my math class in the evening (plus my school is doing a welcome back taco dinner for students! Free food!!!) Thursday we have our CLC group, and Friday we're home free! So we technically only have to improvise with our time for two days. Ahhh can't wait!
Next time you hear from me, it will be my final month review!
Thank you guys for actually wanting to read this. I really do appreciate it. LH