Friday, July 19, 2013
Today I thought I would give you all a little book review. A friend lent me Confessions of a Shopaholic by Sophie Kinsella this week, and let me tell you, I LOVED it! I finished it in two days. I remember seeing previews for the movie a while back, and didn't think much of it. To be honest I thought the story line looked kind of shallow, that it was only going to be about a girl that pulled a bunch of stunts to maintain her shopping addiction. Could be funny, but I just wasn't very interested. I gave the book a try because the friend that lent it to me has great taste in books, so it couldn't be that shallow.
And then I read the book, and I realized. I. AM. REBECCA. BLOOMWOOD. I had never thought of myself as a shopaholic until now! Seriously, Sophie Kinsella hit the nail right on the head with a woman's way of thinking. Rebecca Bloomwood, the "protagonist" of the story is absolutely hysterical. I always feel like it's slightly awkward to laugh out loud while you're reading, especially in a public place, but there were soooo many instances in this book where I found it difficult not to!
I mean for this to be more of a review than a tell all, but seriously, I could not have read this book at any better time. Obviously this girl has gotten herself in to trouble with her spending habits; helping her self to one too many "treats" after a hard day, a case of classic retail-therapy. This girl's reasoning though, I totally resonate with! And I believe it's more or less the same way I got myself in to the financial predicament I'm currently in. Perhaps I just didn't notice it as easily because that voice in my head telling me it's alright to splurge every now and again is actually my husband, and I'm the vice versa for him. The whole book is a story about how Rebecca schemes to avoid her debt for as long as humanly possible, and finally learns that eventually she has to face the facts, and deal with her debt like an adult. And then a whole lot of hilariously horrifying, as well as unbelievably exciting things happen to her, too.
Now even though I don't necessarily see myself going to the same lengths to avoid our debt, I do see scary similarities. The looming fear of the debt that seems to cloud overhead so frequently, and like I said earlier, all of the ways I try to justify a "just one more time" transaction. Overall, I loved this book for the quirky outrageousness that is Rebecca Bloomwood's life, but I also found it extremely inspirational as well. I don't expect to resolve all of my issues quite the same way she did, but I do feel like I have to will power to try now. I'm so glad I was recommended this book!
I'm geared up now more than ever more our no-spend month! 12 days to go!
Does anyone else love this book? Or even the movie? I'd love to hear your thoughts! Hoping to rent the movie sometime this weekend!