Wednesday, June 26, 2013Wow. So I just spent like a week just getting this thing to look just how I want it to. I think this will do for now, huh? I always feel like first posts are really awkward... like first meetings, times a million. Mostly because I don't know who in the world is reading this, and even more awkward, there's more than likely no one reading this post. No, I'm not fooled. I know those blogger stats are mostly just me admiring my own amateur graphic design from any computer I can reach.
So, what to say? I guess I'll start with the purpose of this blog, and I'll be honest. It's mostly because everyone else has one. I know this blog won't be nearly as cool as the ones I follow (i.e. Maskcara, Imperfect Homemaking, & Living Well Spending Less) but hopefully you'll get a little inspiration from mine, as somebody who gets really really excited about something I saw on Pinterest and want to try IMMEDIATELY. Only, if it requires any will-power at all I'll lose it in about a week.
My newest endeavor comes from Living Well Spending Less' blog from her "31 Days of Spending Zero." This was an AWESOME little program she came up with, and she even made free printables for each part of the no-spending month. What I enjoyed the most is that she posted every day with something to do to keep yourself from spending. I haven't even tried it yet, but just by reading through it I felt like she was truly there sharing the pain of wanting to indulge in dinner and a movie every once in a while (or every night, if you're like me...) You can see her plan for 31 Days of Spending Zero here:
I'm so excited to try this out! But we have SO much going on in the month of July. Scott and I's one year wedding anniversary is on the 8th, and then we also have my mother's birthday AND Scott's birthday all within the next month. So we are going to wait until August when we have less extra expenditures to worry about. I will try my best though, to post anything I'm doing to prep for our 31 days of no spending. And don't worry, I'm also hyped up on trying to clean eat right now too, so that might be what you'll be reading most about until we start...
Okay, I can tell I'm rambling now. Until next time!