Can I just gush about Pinterest here for a second? I'm sure if you found my page it was redirected from Pinterest in the first place, so I'm sure you don't mind! I am so so so thankful that some genius unleashed what is Pandora's box of crafts, steals, and D.I.Y.s to the general public. I have to say, my life has improved two-fold since I discovered Pinterest. I mean, it just makes like so much more unique doesn't it? I am constantly just awe-struck from the creativity I see from people out there. Seriously, people are GENIUS! What I love is that although you could argue that Pinterest leads to some full-fledged plagiarism, it also creates an awesome snowball effect of seeing an idea, and being inspired to make it better. It brings the community of the ENTIRE WORLD together, and I think that is just one of the coolest things ever. One tragic downfall of Pinterest though, is the habit of letting your pins die without doing them.

The other Pinterest party I have to brag on is my nephew's first birthday party. For this one my sister, mom, and I got together and put together a similar set up. My mom has an excellent party house, ha!
Seriously, I do this all the time. I pin some seriously awesome idea for dinner, or gift for a friend. And then I never do them. Either 1. Because the idea of my apartment being spotless, and 100% organized was more fun than actually doing it. or 2. Because when I actually planned it out, it was cheaper in theory. (Have you seen some of these "dollar-store" D.I.Y.s? WHAT dollar store do they go to because all my local dollar store has is creepy off-brand barbie dolls and hard candies) However, I have found that with a little initiative to plan ahead, you can save up and throw some seriously awesome parties.

This was a party we did for our friends who just got married (last Thursday actually!) My friend Ashley, who was the maid of honor, and I pulled together and put together this fantastic setup up, fully Pinterest inspired. The groom loves Superman, so since it was a couple's shower, we honored him by giving him his own superhero table.
The games were super fun too! I found the "Who Has the Groom?" game through Pinterest, which basically works like a raffle, as everyone walked in they grabbed either a "Who Has the Groom?" or "Who Has the Bride?" envelope. (Girls grabbed a groom card, and vice-versa for guys) and whoever had the envelope with the bride/grooms face won a prize, which appropriately was a Ring Pop. :) The second game is pretty self explanatory. I dug deep through the bride & groom's Facebook pages and everyone had to guess who posted which status. The bride got every one right!

The other Pinterest party I have to brag on is my nephew's first birthday party. For this one my sister, mom, and I got together and put together a similar set up. My mom has an excellent party house, ha!
My sister was responsible for most of everything, the balloon idea, the colors, but I have to say, my favorite part was the cupcakes. I'm not sure who came up with the cupcake topper idea, but the finished product was hilariously adorable.
Okay. I'm done bragging now. I'm just saying life is so much more colorful when you follow through on your pins people!
As proof, I'll leave you with this:
They were delicious. And a great Saturday morning throw together breakfast. Get the recipe here.
Really, that's it! I'm done!